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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 22/11/2023
102. If --------- need to make an appointment, please call the receptionist 102 A. yours B. you C. your D. yourself Cách làm câu này như thế nào v ạ
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Đình Cẩn Nguyen, 22/11/2023
vị trí trống thiếu S ngữ, đại từ làm chủ ngữ hợp lý là chữ you nhé, nếu bạn cần 1 cuộc hẹn vui lòng gọi tiếp tân
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 22/11/2023
121. Users of Era Bank ---------- to change their passwords after their data was accessed by hackers. 121 A. instruct B. will instruct C. was instructed D. are being instructed Giải thích giúp e cách làm câu này với ạ
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Đình Cẩn Nguyen, 22/11/2023
Bị động và users số nhiều nên chọn D
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 22/11/2023
118. ---------- considered the leader in computing innovation, Frye Systems has not had a new product in years. A. Necessarily B. Formerly C. Eventually D. Wisely Câu này sao ko chọn A nhì
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 22/11/2023
111. Mirado Bakery raised the prices of some goods ----------- an increase in the cost of ingredients A. as of B. due to C. such as D. besides Mn giải thích giúp e câu này tại sao chọn B v ạ
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 17/11/2023
What is indicated about Mr. Marks? 192 A. He was recently hired as a consultant at Linwood Bank. B. He was unable to cover Ms. Wong’s Monday appointments. C. He sent out an approval letter to a prospective loan applicant. D. He received permission from Ms. Weiford for some time off. Tại sao chọn d mà ko chọn b
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 17/11/2023
What is stated about Mr. Tanaka? 195 A. He is eligible for a rate reduction. B. He made a loan payment in February. C. He started a new position recently. D. He wiil withdraw cash from a machine. Giải thích giúp e câu này tại sao chọn A v ạ
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 17/11/2023
164.In which of the positions marked [11, [2], [3] and [4] does the foilowing sentence best belong? “These categories are typically dominated by local specialty companies rather than global ones.” A.[1] B.[2] C.[3] D.[4] Tại sai không chọn A
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Mùi Trần Thị Thanh, 17/11/2023
150.What can be inferred about some Forrester Communications employees A. They will pay for their own admission passes. B. They will share a hotel room with a coworker. C. They will make their own travel arrangements. D. They will purchase business-class airline tickets. Mn giải thích giúp e tại sao chọn c với ạ
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Ái Nhi Nguyễn, 09/11/2023
The decorator recommends making ----------- use of white paint to lower expenses. 122 A. extensive B. extension C. extensively D. extend Sao ko chọn adj mà lại chọn N vậy ạ
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Đình Cẩn Nguyen, 09/11/2023
Câu này key là A chứ
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Ái Nhi Nguyễn, 09/11/2023
À em nhầm, sao không chọn N mà lại chọn adj vậy ạ
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Đình Cẩn Nguyen, 09/11/2023
Extensive là tính từ có nghĩa nhiều, chuyên sâu=> extensive use là sử dụng nhiều. Còn danh từ extension là sự mở rộng
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Ái Nhi Nguyễn, 09/11/2023
121. Users of Era Bank ---------- to change their passwords after their data was accessed by hackers. 121 A. instruct B. will instruct C. was instructed D. are being instructed Câu này sao đáp án D vậy ạ
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Đình Cẩn Nguyen, 09/11/2023
Nếu chọn câu C là mọi việc đã kết thúc rồi nhé em
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Ái Nhi Nguyễn, 09/11/2023
113. Dr. Cruz showed some --------- when invited to speak at the conference, but ultimately consented. A. hesitate B. hesitant C. hesitation D. hesitated Sao câu này mình lại chọn N vậy ạ
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Đình Cẩn Nguyen, 09/11/2023
Some + danh từ nhé
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